Uncanny Angler – Back On The Water

Some time before Xmas I sent the old Quintrex Explorer of to the workshop, since then Ive had to overcome a few set backs. I was in the process of getting the old girl into survey, tried a number of backyard options, but soon realised I was going to have to get a professional to do the work.

So here we are in April and the old girl has been rejuvenated and it is time to hit the water. Fitted a new 30HP Mercury 4 Stroke, the old 20HP would not have coped with the extra weight, after some teething problems gratefully sorted by Coastal Marine in Innisfail she was ready to go. So then the big rain events of late March came along, and the river I like to fish was out of bounds for a week or so as the water levels slowly subsided.

But as sure a night follows day they did subside, and it was time to go fishing. Traveling up the river after a big flood event is a real thrill, the river had changed in so many ways, new trees down, new overflows cut, old structure no longer there, and new structure everywhere. The power trim on the new motor was put through its paces, allowing me to get over shallow bits of water that last year I lost props to.

So it was up into the upper reaches of some of the most stunning waterways you’re likely to see in North Queensland. But before I loose you I’d better get to the fishing. It wasn’t long before the first fish of the day was landed, a nice little Sooty, it’s always good to break the ice. The fish kept coming, and to my satisfaction, a good percentage were Jungle Perch. Check out and join the Jungle Perch Anglers group on FaceBook.

Uncanny Angler – Back On The Water

I had had two sessions over the past few days, one was a bit short as I had to get permission to put the boat in on a cane Cockey’s headland, the second was a good days fishing. Round figures were around 20 day one and 35 day two. The water was crystal clear, and at times I had to mix up the lure selection to see what was working. Had some interest in poppers but no hookups, and the Rapala SR5 was the lure of choice at the end of the day. I always upgrade the trebles, as they are too light for these hard hitting tropical species. This also help with getting the lure down another few inches into the water column.

As always, the JP’s and Sooty’s like to sit in the shade, or ambush positions, and targeting these places ensures good results. Because the water is so clear a lot of the time if they have too much time to inspect the offering, they will invariably follow but not strike, thats why it is so important to ensure your cast is on the money, as most times the strike is within a split second of the lure hitting the water. Be that as it may, while drifting between those hot spots, I always cast into the unknown, and occasionally pick up fish just holding water out in the middle of the river.

I saw a few tarpon over the two days but only caught one, Tarpon love to sit in deeper water that has faster flowing water running into it. They are a great fish to target, hit the line hard and put up a great fight. A much smaller cousin to the monster Tarpon of the Americas, but great fun all the same.

It was great to get back on the water after a long break, and can’t wait to get back out there again.
Want to join me, make an enquiry through the website or give me a call.


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